Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I know it has been a long time since I updated my blog.  I now have good reason! Scott and I are so happy to finally announce that we are expecting and due in March.  We "graduated" from the fertility doctor at 8 weeks after two sonograms.  It was such an amazing feeling to see the heartbeat for the first time.  We have now seen our regular OB twice and everything is looking good and right on schedule.  It has been a long journey for us, but all of the negative and sad feelings have now been replaced with such an amazing feeling. We are so excited for March to get here!


  1. SOOOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS!!! That is the best news :)

  2. Congratulations! So excited for you guys! I hope you are feeling well. Cannot wait for March and to meet your baby.
